Book an appointment.

Before you choose a clinician, here’s what you should know:

The clinicians in our Virtual Clinic are here to listen and help when you're going through a tough time. We are trained mental health professionals, ready to provide understanding and coping strategies. We will also guide you to additional resources if you need more support.

It is important to know that this is for short term support and is not meant for long term therapy. Please only book an additional appointment after you have completed the one beforehand. Everything you share is kept confidential to protect your privacy. 

Also keep in mind:

The link below allows you to book an appointment. If you are in immediate crisis you can call Chai Lifeline's 24 hour crisis hotline 732 377 5135 or from Israel 039786304

When Booking: 

  • Remember that all appointments listed are in NY Time (EST) not Israel time

  • For Israelis: If you have a 10 digit American formatted number (xxx-xxx-xxxx), please include along with your Israeli number when you signup so American based clinicians can call you in case of technical difficulties.